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We will have a membership meeting at the Training Conference on Wednesday afternoon and a second meeting on Thursday afternoon.  Both events will be immediately following the last Conference event of the day.

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You Belong!

Join us.

FAA Pride is the FAA Employee Association dedicated for the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community but membership is open to everyone.  Celebrating diversity is important for everyone. This is a non-government organization.  

     Join us

We have membership levels for FAA Employees, Contractors, and friends.

President's Corner


UPDATE: 24 March.  Dues for FAA employees should have stopped with the current pay period. 

If you have not provided your non-government email, we have taken the step to take that email out of our system.  PLEASE send an email to with your name and email or send me an email at my government email and get my personal phone number to pass your information so you will be able to log onto this system.

We are starting to plan participation in Pride Parades and events this summer.  We are here, we will be seen, and no pen can sign us out of existence! Start making plans to join us in World Pride in DC, or a Pride event near you.  We can make a difference!

The training conference in Denver is on!!!  You can attend all 3 days, or just 1 or 2 days.  Log in for more information or check your email!

A helpful resource for you to check out:  

President, FAA Pride

If any person is experiencing suicidal thoughts or behaviors -- you can call for help.  PLEASE call or Text 988 or chat at    

Upcoming events

NOTE: FAA Pride is an employee association that is not affiliated with any Federal Government Agency or Department.  This website does not represent any US Federal Agency.  

Contact Us

Let us know how we can help, or how we can do better to serve you and the community.

FAA Pride's  purpose and goal is to bring about a workplace that is free of prejudice and discrimination based on sexual orientation through education and awareness of issues affecting gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender employees.

OUR MISSION  – FAA Pride, an employee association supporting FAA’s LGBTQIA+ workforce, is a professional organization acting as an advocate for equitable representation and opportunities in employment, development, and leadership.

OUR PURPOSE  – The purpose of FAA Pride is to eliminate prejudice and discrimination against Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender individuals.

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