FAA Pride Executive Committee:
President 2022-2024 President 2020-2022 |
Brock Shetley
Treasurer 2022-2024 Treasurer 2020-2022 |
Vice President 2023-2025 |
Secretary 2023-2025 |
Andrea L. Zimbardi
Director-at-Large 2022-2024 |
Director-at-Large 2022-2024 |
Director-at-Large 2023-2025 |
Other Board Members: |
Eastern Service Area Director |
Jack Pahlas Western Service Area Director |
Central Service Area Director |
Jon Moody Membership Officer |
FAA Pride Oath of Office
"I (name) hereby swear (affirm) that I will support the constitution and bylaws and at all times bear true allegiance to the goals and purposes of FAA Pride I further swear (affirm) to perform the duties and responsibilities of my office to the best of my ability.”
FAAPride@gmail.com |